Marysville Rebuilding Advisory Centre


The Marysville Rebuilding Advisory Centre is located on the main street of Marysville and was the first public building constructed following the 2009 Black Saturday fires. Within the building, government and construction industry representatives provided expert advice on finance, insurance, fire standards and construction to guide rebuilding in the Marysville area. At the completion of the Victorian Bushfire and Reconstruction Authority’s operations the building was handed over to the Murrindindi Shire and it now operates as the Visitor Information Centre. The design services for the RAC were provided by Bamford-Architects and other consultants on a pro bono basis. Significant proportions of construction materials and consultant services were provided as donations. Bamford-Architects worked with the Victorian Bushfire Rebuilding and Recovery Authority to incorporate donated materials and contractor services into the design for the project.

The building has the town name emblazoned across the frontage. When used at night the sign is illuminated from the interior providing a beacon declaiming its usage. The Marysville RAC/Community Centre is one of two RAC/Community centres built in response to the Black Saturday fires.

The Marysville Rebuilding Advisory Centre was the Winner of an Australian Institute of Architects Awards Regional Architecture Award in 2011.


North West Women's PARC


Daylesford Police Station