Forest Hill Police Station


Forest Hill 24-hr Police Station is located on the Old Healesville Freeway reserve on Springvale Road in Forest Hill. The building engages with architectural characterisations of police stations as opaque, secure and fenced. The opaque facade / fence is broken at selected moments to allow public access and views from the building. A number of internal courtyards are provided within the building footprint. The orientation, provision of courtyards and stepping of the two-storey building allow natural ventilation and daylight along with views to nearby parkland and the Dandenong ranges, whilst maintaining security and privacy within the police station.

Forest Hill Police Station received a Public Architecture Award at the 2016 Victorian Architecture Awards and a High Commendation in the 2016 Steel Excellence Awards. It won the 2017 City of Whitehorse Built Environment Institutional Architecture Award and the Mayor’s Award.


Waranga Health


Warrnambool PARC